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The key is your energetic intention. Don’t think of this as a set of posing steps; think of it like a dance between you and the camera, with your POV as the Muse. Not sure what your POV is? Grab the Real Girls Pin Vault Guide and discover your unique aesthetic flavor, create your Mood Board then dive into the Energetic Kits below.

Here's what you'll find inside:

The Energetic Posing Blueprint©

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 1: Embrace Your Inner Detective

The first step is to become an investigator of your own style preferences. Here's what you'll need:

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 2: The Power of Saved Photos

We all have a secret stash of photos - images we've saved on Instagram or ones tucked away in our camera roll. These saved gems hold valuable clues about the styles and vibes that resonate with you.

Here's the magic: Grab your phone or laptop and open your saved photos. Take a good scroll through them and ask yourself these questions:


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 3: Unearthing Your Energetic Signature

Now comes the fun part: analyzing your findings!

Look for patterns in your saved photos. Do you find yourself drawn to photos with strong stances and confident expressions? Or maybe you gravitate towards softer angles and playful vibes.

Here are some common energetic styles to consider:

Don't worry if your style doesn't fit neatly into one category! Most of us have a blend of energetic styles that we can tap into depending on the mood and situation.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 4: Building Your Energetic Library

Based on your findings from Step 3, start building a personal "energetic" This can be a physical or digital collection of poses that resonate with your energetic style.

Here are some ways to create your pose library:

No More Bad Photos Course Access


The Energetic Translator©

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 1: Instead of asking "How do I pose like Beyonce?" ask yourself:

By understanding the energetic intention behind a pose, you can unlock the secret to creating photos that resonate with your own unique vibe.

Step 2: Here's your secret weapon: The 3 Q's to Discover Your Energetic Pose:

  1. What feeling do you want to capture in this photo? (Powerful, joyful, relaxed, etc.) Identifying your desired emotion is the foundation for translating it into body language.

  2. Imagine your ideal version of yourself in this situation. How would they stand, sit, or hold themselves? Visualize your most confident and comfortable self. What does their body language communicate?

  3. Think about your favorite photos of other people. What kind of energy do they radiate, and how is that reflected in their body language?

    Analyzing photos you admire can provide valuable insights into pose variations that resonate with specific emotions.

Step 3: Here's where the magic happens! Use your "3 Q's" answers to create a personalized search on Pinterest. For an even more tailored experience, comment "Vision" under this section and we'll send you our exact template to create your very own Energetic Posing Toolbox!

Search for photos that capture the energetic pose you discovered.

Let's revisit Queen Bey as an example. If you identified her energy as Poise & Ownership, you might search for terms like:

These searches will lead you to a wealth of photos showcasing poses that embody the confident and powerful energy you desire.

Here's one more tip: Pay close attention to subtle details like hand placement, facial expressions, and footwork. These seemingly minor elements can significantly impact the overall vibe of a pose.

With The Energetic Translator steps, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master of expressing your unique energy through body language!

Step 4: Now, let's explore some pose variations based on different energetic intentions:

Remember, these are just a starting point! The beauty of energetic posing lies in its flexibility. Experiment with different variations and find what feels most natural and expressive for you.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Here are some additional tips for practice:


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